Key handover
Whether private or professional: It is a nice moment to have everything in neatly arranged and it is time for the key (s) to be handed over. Whether it is a key handover for a home or the key of the new employer: It's a good feeling to finally have the key to your four walls or the company's premises. But there is a lot to bear in mind both at and after the key is handed over.
Security within your own four walls
You have found your dream home, the landlord is happy and everything is ready: The key can be handed over. You will receive the expected key on the agreed date. Now it's your home and you have access whenever you want.
After handing over the key, the question is: Do I have enough keys? Is there one for each resident? Should a friend or neighbour receive a key if you accidentally lock yourself out? There could also be a regular cleaner who should receive a separate key.
If the number of keys handed over is not enough, you might want to have them copied or reorder a set. This not only involves the house key, but also other entrances if, for example, a garage or parking space belongs to the rented property.

Key handover at the company
Keys are not only handed over when it comes to moving into a new home. Even when you start a new job, there is a key handover. On the one hand, of course, for the company building, but also other rooms and entrances can also be included in the key handover: In addition to your own workplace, when you hand over the key, you can also hand over the access to the company car park or the parking garage or the lift, which brings you to the level on which you work. The larger the company and its own area of responsibility, the more keys there are that are passed on as part of a key handover.
After key handover
It goes without saying that you should always pay close attention to your keys. Once a key has been lost, problems arise. In the private sphere, you might get off lightly, since you can still get back into your home (e.g. with a key that you have entrusted to friends or neighbours), but you still have the unsettling knowledge that strangers might have access to your home. In the case of a rented property, the landlord or building management must also know of the lost key, and in most cases, you have the burden or replacing keys and cylinders. This can be very expensive, especially in the case of a locking system.
It is even more annoying and complex if one of the keys is for work. This is because it may not only involve significantly more keys, which would have to be replaced if cylinders were replaced, but perhaps also security-relevant areas such as filing cabinets, server rooms, etc. The security risk here is significantly greater than in the case of losing a personal key.
The secure alternative: digital locking technology
How about not handing over keys, but a digital locking medium, preferably a transponder? You are on the safe side with a SimonsVoss digital locking system. You also have security here in the event of a loss: The transponder can be easily and easily blocked in the system – no new lock and new key handover are required.
What is a key handover log?
>What is a key handover log?
First of all, a key handover log clearly defines which keys are handed over from one party to another. In doing so, you must ensure that, firstly, it is clearly stated which party hands over the keys and which party receives them and, secondly, the keys handed over must be clearly named and include their number to create legal certainty.
When does a key handover log need to be produced?
As already mentioned at the beginning, a key handover log is generally required whenever keys are handed over. Everything is self-evident so far. But where are there always key handovers? The most obvious example is, of course, a rented flat or house. In this case, keys are handed over for an open-ended, yet cancellable period or for an agreed limited time and must be returned at the end of the rental contract.
But residential properties are not the only case where it makes sense to create a key handover log for a key handover. If we are talking about rented property, there are other types: garages, self-storage units and many other kinds. A key handover should also be documented in a log in these cases.
However, keys are not only handed over for rented property. Anyone joining a place of work, for example, will also receive a key for use on company premises. It is also advisable to create a key handover log in this case since this key will also need to be returned one day.
We have only talked about temporary key handover until now, but a key handover log makes sense even if it is for purchased property. For example, if you buy a flat, a record should be made of how many keys were handed over at the beginning just to be safe for both parties from a legal perspective.
What needs to be included in a key handover log?
As already stated, a key handover log needs to indicate both the parties and the keys precisely to prevent any misunderstandings. But this is not the only thing that must be included in a key handover log. Even if everything has been clearly stated, the question remains as to what the consequences of losing a key are.
In addition to financial aspects, such as the costs incurred due to a loss and the potential need to replace locks and keys as a result, the key handover log can also state that the key holder is obliged to report any loss of keys.
Key handover log also for digital locking media?
So far, we have only been talking about keys, but digital locking media such as smart cards or transponders are often used instead of keys, especially in the workplace. It is also advisable to create a key handover log for them bearing in mind the aforementioned aspects.
What is different in this case is the costs incurred in the event of a loss. If a digital locking medium is lost instead of a key, the loss is nowhere near as consequential as it is when cylinders and keys need replacing since the medium can simply be deactivated in the system. The only costs incurred here are those for the lost locking medium. The person receiving the locking medium is thus also likely to feel more comfortable when signing a key handover log.
Interested in digital locking media?
You will find a wealth of information about systems such as System 3060 in our Download section. You will learn how convenient, simple, and secure digital keyless locking is